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Give safety refuge hope life _
Global Impact For Freedom Through Our Micah Collective
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Welcome to you, our faithful friends.

Our supporting churches help change lives and nations!

We have been ‘called’ to more than comfort. We are ‘called’ to courage. As we love and follow Jesus, he equips us to walk in his ways and humbly serve as he does. He asks us to be a light in our dark world, shining his love, mercy and character to all. Welcome to the Micah Collective.

The Micah Collective is our community of committed supporting churches convinced that they can, and will, be part of the solution to ending human trafficking. The church is beautiful, complex and diverse. It is Christ’s vessel of hope, his hands and feet here on earth, to shine and share his love and kingdom with others. It takes each of us with our unique passion and giftings to come together to see the captives set free. Together, we champion one another to live out the Micah 6:8 passage of acting justly, loving mercy and walking humbly with our God daily.

A Micah Collective partner:

1) Endorses our mission and vision to set captives free

2) Supports the SAF community through prayer and financial gifts

3) Welcomes our team in to share about the work regularly

4) Will have the opportunity to serve with us in educating and equipping others to meet the needs of their local community


Hear and be inspired by what God is doing in the lives of the women and children we serve. He is restoring her freedom. *This testimony is based on true stories we hear from the women we serve. We don’t share one woman’s full story for anonymity reasons. 

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Want to become part of a faith-filled community taking action to end slavery in our world?
Click the button below to email Theo to find out more and join the Micah Collective.
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About the SA Foundation

The SA Foundation provides refuge, training and employment for women escaping human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Together we stand for the freedom, life and liberty of girls and women that have been trafficked. Home Give Our Work
Women and girls escaping human trafficking and sexual exploitation are finding healing and transformation with your help and active support. Be inspired. Be inspired.

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